Transcript Requests Current Students
- Unofficial Transcripts: All Current Students - Available in HAC
- Official Transcript Requests: All Current Students - For Non-College Admissions (Summer Programs/Scholarships/Special Programs) Please allow 10 school days for your request to be filled.
Click here for the online Transcript Request form. If you are in grade 9, 10, or 11, and a letter of recommendation is required with this request, please fill out the appropriate Naviance survey (you must be logged into your CRSD account to access link).
- Official Transcript Requests: Current Seniors - For College Admissions Applications
All transcript requests must be submitted electronically via Naviance - see your counselor or visit the college application page of the Counseling Services web page.
- Final Official Transcript Request - Current Seniors - For Fall College Matriculation
All final transcripts are sent as per requested in your Graduation Survey. There is no further need to request. To check the status of your final transcript request, please follow the directions below:
Log on to your Naviance account or click here if you are currently logged on to your CRSD account.
- Click on Colleges Tab
- Click on Apply to College
- Click on Manage Transcripts
- Scroll down to see the status of your final transcript request: The date listed in the Final column, is the date your transcript was electronically sent to your college!
- Final transcripts will be sent July 1st or after