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Online Student Resources


Users at home may need to clear their browser cache & may get a connection error if their cache is not cleared.  

  1. To clear your home Browser cache follow these steps 
  2. Open Firefox or internet explorer  
  3. Next Press the following keys Control+shift+Delete
  4. Choose Delete 

FAQ & Troubleshooting  

 Online Courses LMS Platform

Canvas LMS


Click on the link to access the CR Canvas LMS 

CR North Library Catalog




Click on the logo to access the CR North Library Catalog

CR North Database Access

Click on the image to access the CR North Library Database Page

HAC Help

Click on the logo to access HAC (Home Access Center)

HAC is the parent/student portal to access student schedule, gradebook, report card and attendance

Click on the logo to access Naviance

Naviance Family Connection is a comprehensive website that enables students and parents to learn more about college and career planning.  Students can maintain an on-line portfolio of their college applications and career information, and parents can log in to chart their child's progress.  If you need a username and password, please call the Counseling Center at 215-944-1317 or see your counselor.

Safari Montage

Click the logo to access the BCIU hosted Safari Montage

Study Island

Click the logo to access Study Island Login Page