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Athletic Parking

Athletic Parking Passes


Parking is very limited!  Passes will be distributed to seniors first.  If there are permits left, they will then be distributed to juniors. Athletic parking is for rostered athletes only.  Underclassmen are not eligible.  

Athletic parking permit requests can only be submitted by coaches.  If a student is selected to receive a pass (and is eligible), they will be notified by their coach.  Then, they will bring the completed parking registration form with needed documents and payment to the athletic office.  

Permits will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis.  Athletes are not to park on campus until a parking application is received and your information is verified.  Parking illegally (without a permit tag) will result in being ticketed and subject to a $10 fine.  

In order for a student to be eligible for an athletic parking pass, they MUST meet the following criteria:

  • Have no more than 5 unexcused latenesses for the previous semester.*
  • Have no more than 3 unexcused absences for the previous semester.*
  • Have no existing obligations.
  • Have received no parking violations during the current year.*
  • All classwork grades above a 69.5%.
  • Have a valid driver's license.

*Fall athletic requirements are based on information from the previous year.