About the Library
"It is not enough to have knowledge; one must also use it." — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If you are still able to sign into your Chromebook/CR profile but your password is not working for Canvas, your password has likely "timed out" in Canvas, and you will need to CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD. Doing so will change your password for everything.
Follow these directions carefully: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hx_Zh9lkM6X-GuOdpd6pD2souNsMmd2tW2quhu1loWc/edit?usp=sharing
Need research or tech help, email your librarians:
Mrs. Dayton-Ventresca or Ms. Curran
See the library Canvas page for research help, or email us today for a special appointment.
Need a Peer Tutor? CR North NHS students may be able to help!
Contact Mrs. Schofield or Mrs. Rabayda for a Request Form or head to the Counseling Center for more info.
Library Media Center (LMC)
The Library Media Center is a hub for students and teachers seeking information related to all aspects of the curriculum. Supplementing the more traditional library sources--such as books, periodicals, and audio-visual materials--are the plethora of resources provided by online databases, the Internet, links to a variety of library and information networks, and multimedia databases. Two professional Library Media Specialists provide formal instruction in locating, managing, evaluating and documenting information and, additionally, co-teach with curriculum teachers to reinforce best practice in these areas. They encourage students through individualized instruction and guidance not only to become independent users of information, but also to become knowledge creators. The library media center also provides instructional materials, production facilities, and support for the creation of a variety of multimedia projects. Library hours are extended beyond the school day to provide maximum access. Recently, the library's evening hours on Tuesday have been increased and the library is now open until 9 p.m. Students are encouraged to utilize the resources--including two library media specialists--offered during and after school every day. The goal of the center’s staff is to develop skill in defining and solving problems; to increase competence in finding, critically analyzing, and using information from a variety of sources; and to encourage positive and enthusiastic attitudes toward libraries and reading that will last a lifetime.
Library Staff 2024-2025
Library Media Specialists: Krista Dayton-Ventresca & Bonnie Curran Library Assistants: John Broderick & Deena Weitzel
Check-out the news and helpful resources @ Northampton Township Public Library
Need a free library card? Fill out the application online.
For the Readers Among Us:
Check out the Reading Olympics List 24-25. See a librarian to sign up!
Need a book, but can't stop by the library? Watch this tutorial on placing a hold.