SNB Constitution
Sock ‘n’ Buskin – Thespian Troupe 5028
Council Rock High School North
Article I. Name and Purpose
Section 1. This organization shall be called Sock ‘n’ Buskin Club of Council Rock High School – North, Troupe 5028 of the International Thespian Society, a branch of the Educational Theatre Association.
Section 2. The purpose of this club shall be the advancement of standards of excellence in the theatre. More specifically, the club shall encourage students to attain a better mastery of the theatre arts.
Article II. Membership
Section 1. Membership in this organization is open to any Council Rock High School – North student interested in theatre and related fields.
Section 2. Membership in good standing is maintained by fulfilling the following requirements
- Payment of a yearly activity fee of $10.00
- Attendance at the majority of monthly club meetings
Article III. Officers
Section 1. The Executive Board is a governing council of the organization. The Executive Board shall be comprised of seven elected officers and seven standing committee heads.
Section 2. The officers of the organization shall be as follows: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Public Relations Officer, and Historian.
Section 3. Standing committee heads on the Executive Board are as follows: Sergeant-at-Arms/Membership and Program Planning/Banquet.
Section 4. Officers of the organization shall be elected to serve from January to January of each year.
Section 5. Each Officer is responsible for the following specific tasks:
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and the General Membership. He/she shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees. He/she shall conduct and facilitate all club projects and activities and serve as a spokesperson for the organization in dealing with the school community. He/she will also lead the Theatrefest Committee, plan and facilitate activities that promote Sock 'n' Buskin to the community at large, and plan the annual trip to Council Rock Middle Schools.
The Vice-President shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President. He/she shall assist the President in the execution of his/her duties. He/she shall serve as Parliamentarian and constitutional authority. He/she shall also be the Club's WebMaster, maintaining the Sock 'n' Buskin Web Site.
The Treasurershall keep current and accurate financial records for the organization. He/she shall process payment vouchers for payment of bills and shall conduct all other financial transactions. He/she shall also lead the Trips Committee, shall plan and publicize all club trips and meetings associated with them, and assist advisors in collection of fees and forms associated with the International Thespian Society.
The Recording Secretary shall take minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board meetings and general membership meetings. He/she shall publish all minutes and keep a copy on record for review and information. He/she shall also work with the Historian on preserving the Club's Library.
The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct and catalogue all incoming and outgoing correspondence for the organization. He/she shall compile and maintain a list of alumni and oversee correspondence to the regarding club activities and productions. He/she shall also work as Publicity Chairperson for all productions.
The Public Relations Officer shall compose, publish and catalogue all publicity for club projects and activities, excluding productions. He/she shall compile, edit, and publish a monthly newsletter called “The Spotlight”. He/she shall also serve as Committee Head for all fundraisers.
The Historian shall collect and maintain a record of all activities and productions during the year. He/she shall oversee the recording of all activities and productions on videotape and/or still film to be presented as a retrospective at the club’s banquet. He/she shall work with the Recording Secretary to preserve the Club's Library.
Section 6. Each standing Committee Head is responsible for the following:
- The Membership Chairpersonshall establish a yearly membership role book containing the name, address, phone number, email address, homeroom, and parents’ names for each member. He/she shall include on the sheet a record of the member’s attendance at monthly meetings for award consideration at the end of the year. As the Sergeant-at-Arms, he/she shall protect the peace and protocol of all Executive Board and General Membership meetings.
- The Program PlanningChairperson shall plan and facilitate the programs for each monthly club meeting and as the Banquet Chairperson, shall plan and organize the banquet.
Section 7. Each board member has an equal vote in board discussions. The advisors of the organization will serve as ex-officio members of the board.
Article IV. Elections
Section 1. The Executive Board shall present a slate of one candidate for each office for consideration of the membership. The slate of candidates must be published in the November newsletter and brought up for discussion at the November club meeting. At this time, nominations shall be open to the membership, who must follow criteria listed below when presented nominations from the floor. The complete list of candidates, including biographies, shall appear in the next newsletter to be considered by the general membership. Elections, by secret ballot, shall take place at the December club meeting.
Section 2. Nominations must be made by members who are members in good standing by the October meeting. Votes shall be cast in the December elections by members who are members in good standing by the November meeting.
Section 3. Requirements for members being nominated and elected to office:
All offices must be held by members who are:
- Members in good standing by October
- Candidates must not hold membership in more than one other club.
- In addition, the President and Vice-President must be currently in the 11th grade and cannot hold office in any other school club or activity.
Article V. Executive Board Regulations
Section 1. An Executive Board member may be impeached under any of the following conditions. The Executive Board must report an impeachment to the entire membership stating the reason for the impeachment.
- More than three unexcused absences from Board or General Membership meetings.
- Repeated failure to meet task deadlines or failure to comply with board directives.
Section 2. Vacancies on the Executive Board occurring during the course of a term shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Board.
Section 3. The Executive Board shall meet weekly. A quorum of five members is required to conduct business. Attendance of board members is required unless excused by prior arrangement with the club’s Advisor. The General Membership meetings will be held monthly.
Section 4. An amendment may be proposed by any member in good standing during the business portion of a regular monthly membership meeting. Amendments may be voted on by the membership at the next meeting following publication of the proposed amendment. A two-thirds majority of the membership in attendance must vote for the change which shall take effect immediately on approval.
Section 5. A set of by-laws may be added to the constitution as needed to serve the daily operating procedures of the club. By-laws may be proposed by any member in good standing at a regular club meeting and shall be voted on at that meeting. By-laws must receive approval of two-thirds of the membership in attendance at the meeting.
Section 6. This constitution shall go into effect immediately upon its adoption by the majority of the membership in attendance at a regular monthly meeting.
Date of adoption: December, 1981
First Revision: December, 1999
Second Revision: April, 2002
Third Revision: May, 2006
Fourth Revision: January, 2008
Fifth Revision: September, 2008