SNB Board Members
Director: Ms. Miranda Leiggi
Producer: Mr. Seth Epstein
Assistant Director: Mr. Tim Rheiner
President: Sammi Herpel
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and the General Membership. He/she shall serve as an ex officio member of all committees. He/she shall conduct and faciltate all club projects and activities and serve as a spokesperson for the organization in dealing with the school community. He/she will also lead the Theatrefest Committee, plan and facilitate activities that promote Sock 'n' Buskin to the community at large, and plan the annual trip to Council Rock Middle Schools.
Vice President: Sarah Nelson
The Vice President shall preside at all meetings in absence of the President. He/she shall assist the President in the execution of his/her duties. He/she shall serve as Parliamentarian and constitutional authority. He/she shall also be the Club's Webmaster, maintaining the Sock 'n' Buskin website.
Treasurer: Erin Wiseley
The Treasurer shall keep current and accurate financial records for the organiztion. He/she shall process payment vouchers for payment of bills and shall conduct all other financial transactions. He/she shall also lead the Trips Committee, shall plan and publicize all club trips and meetings associated with them, and assist advisors in collection of fees and forms associated the International Thespian Society trips in December and June.
Secretary: Sage Ondik
The Recording Secretary shall take minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board meetings and general membership meetings. He/she shall publish all minutes and keep a cody on record for review and information. He/she shall also work with the Historian on preserving the Club's Library.
Public Relations: AugustGrace Young
The Public Relations Officer shall compose, publish and catalogue all publicity for club projects and activities, excluding productions. He/she shall compile, edit, and publish a monthly newsletter called "The Spotlight". He/she shall also serve as Committee Head for all fundraisers.
Membership/Sergeant-at-Arms: Lolita Azcuaga-Suayfeta
The Membership Chairsperson shall establish a yearly membership role book containing the name, address, phone number, email address, homeroom, and parents' names for each member. He/she shall includeon the sheet a record of the member's attendance at monthly meetings for award consideration at the end of the year. As the Sergeant-at-Arms Chairsperson, he/she shall protect the peace and protocol of all Executive Board and General Membership meetings.
Program Planning/Banquet: Adalae Howe
The Program Planning Chairsperson shall plan and facilitate the programs for each monthly club meeting and as the Banquet Chairsperson, shall plan and organize and banquet.