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Chapter Officers and Meeting

Chapter Officers

·         This chapter shall consist of the following officers, a president, a vice-president, a treasurer, a secretary, and a public relations officer. All must be members of the Science National Honor Society.

·         All chapter officers are obligated to the duty of presenting two brief scientific lectures annually. The lecture shall be ten to fifteen minutes in length and may be given during a regular chapter meeting or in a special ceremony. The lecture may be based on any scientific idea, past, present, or future. It may take the form of a report on a certain subject or a discussion of a student’s theory. More than one officer may share a presentation.

·         Chapter officers shall fulfill all duties named in this Constitution and the local chapter by-laws.

·         A plurality of votes cast shall be necessary to elect any officer to this chapter.

·         The officers of the chapter shall determine the exact amount of the local dues.

·         It shall be the duty of the president to preside over all the meetings of this chapter.

·         The vice-president shall fill the chair of the president in his/her absence.

·         The chapter treasurer shall receive and distribute all funds of the chapter and shall keep an accurate account of the receipts and disbursements in accordance with school regulations.

·         The chapter secretary shall keep the minutes of the meeting, a record of all business and all records on file. The secretary will be responsible for recording the number of events each member has completed. Immediately following an election, the secretary must also submit to the national secretary of the Science National Honor Society a list of the names of those elected to membership.

·         The chapter public relations officer shall be responsible for publicizing the events of the chapter and keeping its members informed of those events.


Science National Honor Society – Meetings

·         The chapter shall have regular meetings during the school year on days designated by the officers. Or upon necessity, on the call of the executive committee with the approval of the advisor.

·         The officers of this chapter shall be elected in April and assume responsibilities in May.

·         All meetings shall be open meetings and shall be held under the supervision of the advisor, or delegated representative.

·         Additional rules for the general operation of this chapter will be established by a majority vote of the general membership as by-laws.

·         This chapter shall determine one or more projects per year.

·         The purpose of the projects shall be to pursue the national objectives of the SNHS.

·         The chapter shall judge or host a local science fait contest and/or assist in the creation and/or maintenance of a science club at the school and/or assist fellow students’ success in their science classes.