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  National Honor Society Council Rock High School North      

NHS Shield

  NHS Requirements

The National Honor Society is a student group that honors academic excellence and integrity, as well as personal involvement in activities of the school and community. It is based on the four principles of leadership, service, scholarship and character. Each spring, talented members of our rising senior class are invited to petition for membership in this society.  A  smaller induction ceremony is also offered during the fall for invited senior class members.

In order to be invited to petition for membership, students must qualify by attaining a specific academic standard, faculty recommendations, and service requirements.  Please note the criteria to qualify to petition for membership to the Council Rock High School North Chapter of the National Honor Society has been developed in accordance with the weighted GPA system. Please review the scholastic requirements and become familiar with the additional service requirements if you wish to be eligible to become a member of this chapter.    

NHS Criteria   


2025 2025




Spring ‘24 Fall ’24

Spring '25

Fall '25


3.95 3.95 3.95  3.95 


45 50 45  50 
  • By the end of the sophomore year, the student must obtain a weighted GPA as shown in table above.
  • During 9th, 10th, or 11th grade, the student must have enrolled in at least one honors or AP level course.                                        
  • Students meeting the above criteria will receive an invitation to petition to become members.  
  •  LINCS Information and National Honor Society   ***In addition, to the above criteria,  a student must have completed the minimum LINCS hours (see chart above) by February 1 of the junior year. Hours must be registered with the LINCS office by February 15 of that year. Please note- there will be an additional induction, in the fall, for that year's senior class only.  Fall inductees must have completed the minimum*LINCS hours (see chart above) by Sept. 1 and those hours should be registered no later than September 15 of their senior year.

    Invited students will be required to submit an application, show examples of leadership, including but not limited to officer positions for clubs or organizations, or chairmanship of a service committee. Students will also be expected to present several recommendations from teachers or mentors. Applications will be distributed during the NHS orientation meeting
     for petitioning students.   The organization is both school and community service-oriented.  A major community service project is undertaken each year. The members act as guides on Back to School Night and other school wide events. In addition, members offer a formal tutorial service to Council Rock Middle Level and High School students.                             

LINCS Program for Council Rock School District. Carefully review the above webpage to acquire important information and deadlines for this program.


 NHS Tutorial Services 

NHS Peer Tutoring Program: The North Chapter of the NHS provides peer tutors to North students. Please use the link below or see your counselor. Use your School Google Account to complete the form, and a tutor will respond. 

For questions about emergency closings, weather or otherwise, please see the main page of Council Rock School District website. 

Advisors:  Mrs. Cristina Rabayda

                    Mrs. Paige Schofield