National English Honor Society
National English Honor Society

- Online writing competition for high school and middle school
- Paper peer review service, available for both online and in-person feedback
- CR North audio books website for elementary students - log into your child's Google Classroom for access
- Featured author books for elementary students
- Writing contest for Sol Feinstone students
- Teacher book recommendation website
- Mock Reading Olympics practice competitions & Escape Rooms
- Spelling Bee at Newtown Elem.
- "You Be the Author" story book writing with elem. books
- Poetry workshops at elem. schools
- Open Mic Night at Newtown Book Store - feel free to show up! March 12th
- Biennial Book Drive - collected 3,267 books
- Reading Olympics Escape Room
- Hands Holding Hearts community grief readings
- Teaching story structure through story writing with elementary students
- CR North audio books website for elementary students - log into your child's Google Classroom for access
- Creative writing competition
- Reading to elementary students
- Peer review system for student peer reviews
- Poetry Slam at local book store
- Author books for elementary students
- Noun/Verb/Adj. lesson/creative writing contest for elementary students
- Surviving middle school English lessons to elementary students
Multicultural Book Club
Book bonding in CRNorth
Magazine Drive
Virtual book club with Pickering Manor
Audiobook website for elementary teachers and students
Kindergarten enrichment reading with Crossing Cooperative Nursery School
Elementary book clubs and scavenger hunts
Book and movie club
English class Kahoot and Quizlet competitions
Virtual book club with Newtown Middle
Read-alouds with elementary schools
Pen Pals Projects with area nursing homes
American Sign Language Awareness Initiative
Pen-pal programs with district elementary schools
Creation of an NEHS CRN Teacher-recommended Reading site
Bake sale for books! (Books donated to Cradles to Crayons)
Book clubs at Sol Feinstone & Newtown elementary schools
Kahoot morning announcement challenge
Middle school research support club
Reading to Autistic Support students
Middle school literature board games
One-act play contest
Teacher recommended books book reviews
Biennial book drive - collected 2,000+ books that were donated to Cradles to Crayons
Book clubs at Sol Feinstone & Newtown elementary schools
Northampton Library Scavenger hunts
Kahoot morning announcement challenge
Middle school research support club
Multicultural literary displays
Reading to Autistic Support students
Middle school literature board games
One-act play contest
Teacher recommended books book reviews
Fund-raising to support decimated Texas and Florida libraries
Book clubs at Sol Feinstone & Newtown elementary schools
Literary Scavenger hunts
Scrabble Tournament
Letters to Veterans & active service men/women
Reusable alphabet books for girls' school in India
Kahoot morning announcement challenge
Multicultural literary displays
Bi-annual book drive - collected 2,010 books that were donated to Cradles to Crayons
Reading Olympic support at the elementary level
VA Hospital writing project
Latin prefix blue screen
Literary quote fortune cookie sale
Literary recipe published on Bucks County Bites food blog
Books and Beverages
Membership Information
CRNorth National English Honor Society (NEHS)
Membership Information
**There is only ONE application period per year--during the third marking period. There is NO fall application period. Please check the application requirements on the "Membership Requirements..." tab above. Look/listen for postings and morning announcements and listen for English teacher announcements, as well, to signal that the application period is open.
Sophomores and juniors with a love of and a high competency in English and the language arts, as well as a desire to promote reading, writing, and literature, are encouraged to apply.
CAREFULLY READ AND FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS ON THE APPLICATION. NOTE: It is an applicant's responsibility to submit completed applications on time.
Informational Slide Show - Please view for important information on applying.
Monthly meetings occur on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (subject to change). Additional meetings may be scheduled as necessary. Please keep yourself abreast of meeting dates as your attendance is mandatory.
Any juniors and seniors who are new to Council Rock and who may have thus missed the spring application period may contact Mrs. Dayton-Ventresca at before the end of September of the current school year to apply.
Membership Requirements AND Petition for Membership Materials
Membership Information Slide Show
NEHS membership informational PPT.pptx
Requirements for Petition for Membership and Active Membership in NEHS
Read the Bylaws below--which include the requirements for petition for membership and active membership in NEHS--thoroughly prior to petitioning for membership.
BYLAWS of the National English Honor Society: Council Rock North High School Chapter
NEHS Petition for Membership
Print out the document below ONE SIDED, and read it in its entirety before beginning. Failure to follow directions or complete any portion of the application may result in a forfeited application and refusal to membership. Please do not wait till the last minute to apply; put your requests in for report cards (to Mrs. Dragani), recommendations (to current/former English teachers), and English-related activity verification (to the sponsor/advisor of the activity) as soon as possible. Check application due dates via postings, morning announcements, on the website, and/or with Mrs. DV.
2025 Spring Application due date: Applications are due in full by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 8, 2025. Note, requests for report cards and recommendations are due by April 11. Induction of new members will take place on Tuesday, May 14th at 2:30-3:45; all accepted applicants will be expected to attend. You will receive notice of acceptance by May 1st; if you do not hear before then, please contact Mrs. Dayton-Ventresca.
Petition for Membership: National English Honor Society: Council Rock North High School Chapter
NEHS Relevant Links
NEHS Xpress for high school students
A monthly newsletter for National English Honor Society (NEHS), NEHSXpress, is distributed via email to Chapter Advisors, students, and parents. Each edition provides chapters up-to-date and useful information that highlights what chapters are doing and provides suggestions for what others might emulate.
NEHS Museletter
NEHS Museletter, the official blog of NEHS, serves as a platform for in-depth conversation and exploration of ideas related to Society life. Museletter spotlights noteworthy activities and accomplishments by chapters and individual members, highlights Society opportunities, and offers each chapter an opportunity to showcase the unique literary landscape of their corner of the world.
NEHS Triangle
The NEHS Triangle is a journal specializing in student members’ critical and analytical writing and gives students an avenue for publication of their student writing. Each edition has a different theme, which submissions should reflect. Submissions must be between 1,000 and 2,000 words, excluding notes and works cited.
Social Media Links
NEHS has a number of social media outlets that work together to provide information to and facilitate interaction among NEHS members at the local, regional, and Society levels.
NEHS Official Website
Refer to the NEHS Official Website for information and news about the National English Honor Society for high schools.
NEHS Scholarship Opportunities
Congratulations to Class of 2020's Angela Shen, recipient of one of NEHS's 32 nationally awarded Merit Scholarships in the amount of $5,000. Congratulations, Angela!
NEHS scholarship opportunities are available annually to active members of CRNorth's NEHS.
CRNorth NEHS Archives
2023-24 Executive Board:
Kelly Lao, President
Ethan Loh, co-VP
Molly Riley, co-VP
2023-24 Projects: See a video of our completed projects here.
- Biennial Book Drive - collected 3,267 books
- Reading Olympics Escape Room
- Hands Holding Hearts community grief readings
- Teaching story structure through story writing with elementary students
- CR North audio books website for elementary students - log into your child's Google Classroom for access
- Creative writing competition
- Reading to elementary students
- Peer review system for student peer reviews
- Poetry Slam at local book store
- Author books for elementary students
- Noun/Verb/Adj. lesson/creative writing contest for elementary students
- Surviving middle school English lessons to elementary students
2022-23 Executive Board:
Sophie Snyder
Emma Smorgonsky
Grace Ye
2021-22 Officers:
President: Arushi Singh
Vice President: Gabrielle Kalayjian
Multicultural Book Club
Book bonding in CRNorth
Magazine Drive
Virtual book club with Pickering Manor
Audiobook website for elementary teachers and students
Kindergarten enrichment reading with Crossing Cooperative Nursery School
Elementary book clubs and scavenger hunts
Book and movie club
English class Kahoot and Quizlet competitions
Virtual book club with Newtown Middle
Read-alouds with elementary schools
Pen Pals Projects with area nursing homes
American Sign Language Awareness Initiative
Pen-pal programs with district elementary schools
Creation of an NEHS CRN Teacher-recommended Reading site
Bake sale for books! (Books donated to Cradles to Crayons)
Book clubs at Sol Feinstone & Newtown elementary schools
Kahoot morning announcement challenge
Middle school research support club
Reading to Autistic Support students
Middle school literature board games
One-act play contest
Teacher recommended books book reviews
Biennial book drive - collected 2,000+ books that were donated to Cradles to Crayons
Book clubs at Sol Feinstone & Newtown elementary schools
Northampton Library Scavenger hunts
Kahoot morning announcement challenge
Middle school research support club
Multicultural literary displays
Reading to Autistic Support students
Middle school literature board games
One-act play contest
Teacher recommended books book reviews
Fund-raising to support decimated Texas and Florida libraries
Book clubs at Sol Feinstone & Newtown elementary schools
Literary Scavenger hunts
Scrabble Tournament
Letters to Veterans & active service men/women
Reusable alphabet books for girls' school in India
Kahoot morning announcement challenge
Multicultural literary displays
2016-17 Projects:
- Bi-annual book drive - collected 2010 books that were donated to Cradles to Crayons
- Reading Olympic support at the elementary level
- VA Hospital writing project
- Latin prefix blue screen
- Literary quote fortune cookie sale
- Literary recipe published on Bucks County Bites food blog
- Books and Beverages
2016-17 Officers:
President: Charlotte Lang
Vice President: Grace Maurer
Secretary: Jessica Clark
Treasurer: Katie Miernicki
Historian: Riley Gallagher
2015-16 Officers:
Vice President: Sami Renck
Secretary: Matthew Haldeman
Treasurer: Arthur Vasilyuk
Historian: Emma Kwasnoski
- bi-annual Scrabble Tournament
2014-15 :
- Bi-annual book drive - collected 2,100 books that were donated to Christ Homes in Philly