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Membership Information

CRNorth National English Honor Society (NEHS)

Membership Information

**There is only ONE application period per year--near the end of the third marking period into the fourth.  There is NO fall application period.  Please check the application requirements from the link on the left. Look/listen for blue screen announcements and morning announcements and listen for English teacher announcements as well to signal that the application period is open.

Sophomores and juniors with a love of and a high competency in English and the language arts, as well as a desire to promote reading, writing, and literature, are encouraged to apply. 

CAREFULLY READ AND FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS ON THE APPLICATION.  NOTE:  It is an applicant's responsibility to submit completed applications on time.   APPLICATIONS ARE DUE BY 3:00 p.m. ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th, 2022.  Induction will take place (tentatively) on Tuesday, May 9th at 2:30-3:45; all accepted applicants will be expected to attend.  You will receive notice of acceptance by April 28th; if you do not hear before then, please contact Mrs. Dayton-Ventresca.

Informational Slide Show - Please view for important information on applying. 

Monthly meetings occur on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (subject to change).  Additional meetings scheduled as necessary.   Please keep yourself abreast of meeting dates as your attendance is mandatory.

Any Juniors and seniors who are new to Council Rock and who may have thus missed the spring application period may contact Mrs. Dayton-Ventresca at before the end of September of the current school year to apply.