Mr Sherpinsky s Teaching Philosophy
My Teaching Philosophy: |
W hen youE nter thisL ittle roomC onsider yourselfO ne of the specialM embers of a group whoE njoys working and learning together!When I began teaching I searched for a philosophy I could adopt that embodied what a modern-day educator needs to do to be successful. This philosophy is used with permission from one of the professors from MCCC and represents that goal and what I try to practice everyday as a teacher.
Effective collaborative learning involves a consistent, mutual effort by both the instructor and the student. My role as instructor increasingly moves to that of facilitator or guide. As this occurs, my students and I become partners in moving them toward self-discovery and content mastery in my discipline.
To make my instruction communicative, I begin with a syllabus which is clear, concise, and complete. I encourage regular questions in class, supply careful directions for all assignments, tests, and projects, and offer honest, detailed commentary on all student work.
Customized education promises to be tomorrow’s tradition. Customization in my classes begins with my recognition of diversity in learning styles and comprehension rates, as well as cultural, economic, intellectual, and emotional variety among my students. Customizing my students’ learning also requires my willingness to consider my students’ work, home, and life needs, with a firm purpose of helping them to learn around those obligations which burden their lives. My Discipline PhilosophyPeople do not change that much… Do not try to waste time trying to put in what was left out… Try to draw out what was left in… When helping students develop, I try to find the right fit, not simply the next rung on the ladder. I always encourage students to value excellence in every role – I encourage students to explore alternative career paths – alternative routes toward growth, self-respect, and personal prestige… My favorite personalized quote; Your reputation, promises, and actions determine who you are... I call this your personal brand... Ask yourself one simple question...How do you want to be known as? If the answer is anything less than yourself... Take a class with me and I will show you the way! ~ Sherp-A-Palooza |