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Chapter Constitution of the National Art Honor Society

Council Rock High School North

Adopted August 2018

Article I:  Name and Purpose

Section 1:  The name of this chapter shall be the Council Rock High School North Chapter of the National Art Honor Society.

            Section 2:  The purpose of the chapter shall be to:

  1. Insure and recognize those students who have shown outstanding ability in art as well as demonstrates a high level of character.
  2. Foster excellence and a dedicated spirit of the pursuit of art.
  3. To further creative abilities and talents of the Society’s members, as well as the school’s entire student art enrollment.
  4. To aid members in working toward the attainment of their highest goals.
  5. Bring art to the attention of the school and community.
  6. To further aesthetic awareness in all aspects of the school’s total program.

Article II:  Membership

Section 1:  Membership in this chapter shall be based upon art scholarship, service, and high level of character. (Student handbook)

Section 2:  To be eligible for selection to membership in this chapter, the candidate must be a high school student enrolled in grade 9, 10, 11, or 12 in this school, and have completed a period equivalent to one semester of art in this school. Those enrolled in their first class will be eligible for induction after the second marking period.      

   Section 3:  An active member of the National Art Honor Society who transfers to this school will be accepted, but must maintain the membership requirements for this chapter in order to retain membership.

Section 4: To be eligible for selection into this chapter, the candidate must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.25 in art courses and a 3.0 overall GPA. If they fall below the minimum GPA, they have a grace period of one marking period to bring up their average.

Section 5:  Members may remain active during such time when there is no art in their class schedule.

Section 6: To remain a member students must maintain a high level of character both inside and outside of school.

Article III:  Selection of Members

Section 1:  The selection of members to this chapter of the National Art Honor Society shall be by recommendation from the art faculty of this school who are members in good standing of the National Art Education Association.

Section 2:  Any member who falls below the standards that are the basis for selection shall be promptly warned.  If during the next regular marking period of the school, the member fails to meet the standards used as a basis for selection to the Society*, the student will be dismissed.

            *the GPA falls below standard set by Constitution for a second marking period.

            *A student violates standards set by student handbook.

            *A member fails to abide by attendance and participation in meetings and events.


Section 3:  When a member is dismissed, he/she will be notified and the membership card returned to the Society sponsor.

Section 4: NAEA does not participate in matters of member non-selection or dismissal.

Article IV:  Officers

Section 1:  The officers of this chapter shall be president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, chair for public relations, and chair for activities.  The chapter council shall consist of the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, public relations and Special Events and Awards/Ceremonies Coordinator.

Section 2:  A majority of votes cast shall be necessary to elect any officer of this chapter.

Section 3:  It shall be the duty of the president to preside at the meetings of this chapter.

Section 4:  The vice president shall preside in the absence of the president, and serve as the chapter’s program chair.

Section 5:  The chapter secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings, a record of all business, and all records on file.

Section 6:  The treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds of the chapter and keep an accurate account of receipts and disbursements in accordance with school regulations.

Article V:  Membership Fees

Section 1:  A yearly membership fee of $3.00 per member shall be forward to the National Art Honor Society office at the National Headquarters.

Section 2:  A yearly school/chapter fee of $20.00 for new member and $15.00 for returning members, which includes the $3. fee, is required of each NAHS chapter, which will cover cost of pins and other expenses.

Article VI:  Meetings

Section 1:  The regular meetings of this chapter shall be held 1-2 times per month. To remain a member in good standing, students must attend at least 80% of the meetings during the school year.  All attendance will be taken and logged each meeting.

            Section 2:  The officers of the chapter will be elected the previous school year.

            Section 3: Unscheduled meetings may be called by the president or sponsor.


Article VII:  Service

Section 1:  To maintain active membership, members must participate in at least eight hours of service in the field of art per year for the duration of their membership.  Seniors not completing 8 hours of service per year will not be eligible to graduate with NAHS honors and subsequently will not receive a NAHS cord.

Section 2:  Yearly service activities will be discussed and voted upon by the Chapter Council and the Chapter membership.

Mrs. Colleen Palmer

NAHS Sponsor