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Graduation 2028

Graduation is a special time for students and their families. The administration and staff of Council Rock High School North are striving to do everything possible to see that graduation and all senior activities are indeed memorable experiences for the Class of 2024. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the upcoming activities.  We seek your help and support in ensuring the proper decorum and behavior relative to these culminating activities.  Please take time to review the events and procedures listed below.  We would like to emphasize that it is imperative that seniors meet all deadlines and obligations as indicated.  Please let us know if we may help in any way. 


Students with last names from A to Le and distinguished scholars will be on the Home side of the Stadium (outdoor ceremony) or the Gymnasium (indoor ceremony).  Students with last names from Li to Z, class officers, the student executive board members, and graduation speaker will be on the Visitor side. Your Commencement Line-Up Number will be posted in the auditorium at Cap/Gown distribution.


Please be aware that graduation information only pertains to you if your student meets ALL graduation requirements.  Only those students who meet all graduation requirements are permitted to participate in the Commencement Ceremony.




A.         SENIOR CLASS DUES - $100.00 - Due Thursday, May 16

Class dues will be collected now through May 16th by Mr. Diehl, the Senior Class Advisor. Dues must be paid prior to Cap and Gown Distribution. Checks should be made payable to “CRN – Class of 2024”. You may contact Mr. Diehl at with any questions.  Class dues include:

1.       Cap and gown

2.       Tassel for a memento                    

3.       Yearbook and Supplement

4.       Senior Picnic on June 4, 2024

5.       Senior Class Panoramic Picture



Monday, June 3          YEARBOOK DISTRIBUTION – Distribution is during 9th Period in the Auditorium. 

 6:30 PM - Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Senior Awards/Recognition at William Tennent High School


 Tuesday, June 4          SENIOR FINALS – Periods 6/7/8, 9

 3:00 PM – SENIOR PICNIC Senior Picnic at soccer fields.


Wednesday, June 5     SENIOR FINALS – Periods 3, 4/5/6

Seniors may be excused after period 4-5-6 exam only with a note of parental permission and private transportation.  Seniors must sign out at the Attendance Lobby.


Thursday, June 6        SENIOR FINALS Periods 1, 2

Seniors may be excused after period 2 exam only with a note of parental permission and private transportation.  Seniors must sign out at the Attendance Lobby.

Chromebook Return

10:45 AM - CAP AND GOWN DISTRIBUTION All seniors should report to the auditorium for cap and gown distribution at 10:45 am.  If an obligation is owed, the cap and gown will be held until the obligation is met. 

*All students with obligations have been notified via their student email.  Obligations specific to each student can be viewed on Home Access Center (HAC).  Obligations can be met by making arrangements with Ms. Christman in the Student Activities Office at


Friday, June 7             10:00 AM - CAR PARADE

Class of 2024 Car Parade Start in Newtown Middle School bus parking lot (off of Newtown Richboro Road) for staging area.  Additional details will be communicated closer to the event.


Monday, June 10        9:45 AM - GRADUATION REHEARSAL

All seniors should report to the auditorium for rehearsal by 9:45 am.  We will begin rehearsal promptly at 10:00 am. Seating assignments will be posted in the auditorium. GRADUATION TICKETS DISTRIBUTED

Tickets for graduation will be distributed at rehearsal.


Taking place in the CRHS North Gymnasium – 7:00 pm -- All are welcome.


 Tuesday, June 11        4:00 PM - GRADUATION

Graduation is in the Stadium. Seniors will not be permitted to enter school grounds until 2:30 pm; due to school dismissal. All seniors should report to the auditorium no later than 3:00 pm.  Students will find their assigned seats at this time and hear final instructions. No belongings are to be left in the auditorium.  No re-entry into the building will be allowed.


*There will NOT be a rain date for Graduation.  In the event of inclement weather, commencement will take place in the gymnasium at 4:00pm. The decision to change to indoor commencement due to inclement weather will be posted on the website by 11:00 am on Tuesday, June 11, 2024.



Tickets for graduation will be distributed at rehearsal on Monday, June 10th.  All obligations must be met before you receive your graduation tickets. Graduation will be held rain or shine on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. Each senior will receive tickets with plans for either an Outdoor or Indoor Graduation.

Ticket distribution will be as follows: 

In the event of an OUTDOOR ceremony taking place in Walt Snyder Stadium (fair weather):

Each senior will receive six (6) Outdoor tickets.  Either BLUE tickets (HOME) OR GRAY tickets (VISITOR) for the outside ceremony.  These tickets are marked HOME or VISITOR to direct you to the side of the stadium that your graduate will be seated.  Additional tickets for outside stadium seating are available upon request. 

Families needing additional tickets for the outdoor ceremony email Hannah Gessner at  You will receive a link to a google request form, the form must be (returned) submitted by June 1, 2024.

 In the event of RAIN, the ceremony will take place INSIDE the Gymnasium and Auditorium:

No additional tickets can be provided for indoor seating due to space restrictions. 

Each senior will receive a TOTAL of SIX (6) Indoor tickets as follows:

·         Three (3) CHERRY tickets for entrance into the GYMNASIUM that will allow 3 family members to sit in the Gymnasium and to personally observe the indoor ceremony; these 3 tickets are the only tickets that will get you into the GYMNASIUM ENTRANCE.   

·         And Three (3) YELLOW tickets for entrance into the AUDITORIUM that will allow 3 additional guests to view the ceremony via closed circuit television.  Those guests receiving the YELLOW tickets will need to enter the building by the MAIN SCHOOL ENTRANCE -- NOT THE GYM ENTRANCE.  This is to alleviate masses of people entering in one location for the indoor ceremony.



Those families needing special arrangements for handicapped parking and seating please email Hannah Gessner at  You will receive a link to a google request form, the form must be (returned) submitted by June 1, 2024.




1.       Graduation is a special time for families; therefore, students are expected to utilize good judgment and mature behavior.

2.       Please be aware that school district policy regarding drugs and alcohol will be strictly enforced during

these activities.  Any student violating the drug and alcohol policy will be cited by police, removed from school property, and denied the opportunity to participate in all remaining senior activities, including the Graduation Ceremony.             

3.       Any student choosing not to participate in Commencement must notify Mr. Scott prior to Friday, May 17, 2024.

4.       Seniors are reminded that although they must have completed finals and/or activities, school is still in session for underclassmen.  Please respect and show consideration for these students.


6.       Since graduation is the culminating activity in a senior’s high school career, certain dress requirements are appropriate for Commencement. We recommend a light-colored dress or light colored skirt and blouse, or a shirt and tie. NO SNEAKERS, JEANS, OR SHORTS! Taped messages on the caps, beach balls and signs carried by seniors are also strictly prohibited! Also, it is suggested that graduates do not bring handbags to Commencement because you are not permitted to carry them into the Commencement Ceremony. The school district is not responsible for any items left in the auditorium during the Commencement Ceremony. In addition, graduating seniors are not permitted to carry any beverages.

7.       If flowers are to be presented to a senior, we suggest they be given after the ceremony. 
Only SENIORS will be permitted in the auditorium before the ceremony.

8.       Parents – You are not permitted to be on the track during the ceremony for picture taking purposes. We appreciate your cooperation. We do however, invite parents and friends to come onto the field at the conclusion of the ceremony to take pictures.

9.       Please be aware that smoking/vaping is not permitted anywhere on the high school campus.

10.   Failure to comply with these guidelines will jeopardize a student’s participation in Commencement. It may also affect participation in, or attendance at, future activities at Council Rock High School North.


Once again, we seek your support and cooperation in making this the best Graduation ever. Please feel free to call us if you have any questions or concerns.