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The Facilities Committee meets the first Thursday of the month. Meetings are open to the public and held at the Chancellor Center Administration Building in Historic Classroom 1. CRSD Director of Operational Services, Mr. Doug Taylor, serves as the administrator in charge of the committee, with CRSD Board Member, Dr. Michael Thorwart, serving as Committee Chair. The meetings cover a broad spectrum of facilities/operational topics. Presentations are posted within 24 hours of being delivered publicly. The school community is invited to view all of the 2019-2020 presentations with their accompanying audio recordings below. 

March 5, 2020 

February 13, 2020 (Moved from 2/6/20)

January 9, 2020

December 12, 2019 

November 7, 2019 (Joint Facilities /Finance Committee Meetings) 

October 10, 2019 

September 12, 2019 (Moved from 9/5/19)

August 1, 2019

April - No Meeting

May - No Meeting

June - No Meeting